Posts tagged New Zealand
Una Familia Decide Vivir Viajando y Sin Fronteras

Geraldine y Mariano Juchnowicz tienen 4 hijos y su historia de viaje comienza en Argentina. Sin nunca antes haberse subido a un motorhome decidieron encarar un sueño que muchos no se animan, viajar con su familia y animarse hacer algo completamente nuevo.

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Cinco Integrantes de una Familia Apuestan a un Velero como Forma de Vida

Jorgelina y German, eligieron un estilo de vida, que no es fácil pero es liberador.  Su historia comienza en Villa La Angostura, Argentina, donde ellos tenían dos cabañas y ofrecían paseos de pesca en el lago Nahuel Huapi. 

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Pioneering a Rafting Company in Hokkaido, Japan with Toshi and Mari

Toshi and Mari have lived, traveled and worked around the world, most recently in New Zealand where they started a family. As a river guide and snow guide, Toshi is in the business of guiding people through their most memorable moments together with their friends and family. Mari has also been in the guiding business often as the first touch point working with clients to get their bookings straight to ensure they can have the best days possible.

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Sailing Across the Pacific with A Family Afloat

Imagine living aboard a 40 foot sailboat discovering the Pacific for five years. That is exactly what Josie, Christian and their three children have done since 2015. I spoke to Josie while they were docked in New Zealand having already crossed the Pacific together. The thought of it alone gave me cause for pause, yet her description of what it is like to see, or rather smell land, as she puts it, after three weeks at sea peaked my curiosity.

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