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The Road Ahead, Part 1 | Presented by Marine Layer

The Road Ahead | Part 1

Presented By: Marine Layer

Driving from Maine to Argentina was something that lurked in the back of our minds for the past few years as we judiciously went to work, paid the bills and ghosted through our routine lifestyle. But after the arrival of our second son, we began hunting down a van.

Months later we found a 1978 Mercedes bus and knew this was it. After nine months on the road, we feel liberated from our old lives. There are new challenges, of course, but we are happier and more connected with ourselves and each other.

Twenty states, 15,000 miles, 240 nights of camping, and countless hikes later we’re ready to embark on phase two of our journey. We are making the final preparations to leave the United States and depart for Mexico. It’s just us, our two sons, the dog, and the van. We’ve passed our shakedown test - the van is running, we are still together, and we haven’t one broke. We’re stoked to have you follow our journey.